Consular fees

Overview of consular fees.

  1. Last updated on
Overview of consular fees.


in euro

Passport 7 years (32 pages) 75
Passport 5 years minor (32 pages) 35 
Passport 7 years (64 pages) 240 
Passport 5 years minor (64 pages) 210 

Electronic identity card (eID)

  • Validity 6 years, applicants aged between 12 – 17   
  • Validity 10 years, applicants aged between 18 – 74  
  • Validity 30 years, applicants aged 75 +
Kids-ID, validity 3 years, children under 12 10 
Emergency Travel Document (ETD) 10 
Temporary passport, 1 month 10 
Temporary passport, 12 months 50
Professional card application 140 
Consular attest 20
or 10 if the attest is issued
by the Embassy as support
document for a deed of civil
status or for a declaration of
attribution of nationality 

Legalization of signature

Certificate of life 0
Certified copy 20 
Mortuary certificate 0

Sending costs

We use registered mail, the fees of which are determined by the Finnish Post.

  • Identity card: 16,90 € (Finland) / 22 € (elsewhere in Europe) 
  • Attest: 14,40 € (Finland) / 20,15 € (elsewhere in Europe) 
  • Passport: 14,40 € (Finland) / 22 € (elsewhere in Europe)

Payment methods

The embassy no longer accepts cash. Possible payment methods are as follows :

  • Payment by bank or credit card (no Amex) at the counter in the embassy.
  • Bank transfer to our account:

Embassy of Belgium
Nordea FI68 1722 3000 0002 49

Please add a clear payment description as well as provide us with a proof of payment.