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Changes in your contact information or your civil status are not automatically transmitted to the embassy by the local authorities. To enable us to assist you effectively in case of emergency as well as to guarantee the best consular services, it is important to keep us up to date regarding the following :
- Change of contact details : phone number / email address
- Change of address (see more information below)
- Change of civil status (in case of marriage, see more information on the needed documents on the marriage page)
- Change in family composition
- Change of profession or employer
- Acquisition of nationality or renunciation of nationality
Please contact us by email at helsinki@diplobel.fed.be.
These data will be recorded in your administrative file and in the national register.
Address change in Finland or in Estonia
In order for us to be able to update your address to the national register and the consular register of the embassy, please send us a residence certificate by email to helsinki@diplobel.fed.be.
- If you live in Finland:
- A recent (max 6 months old) residence certificate (“asuinpaikkatodistus”) issued by DVV, Digital and Population Data Services Agency, in English, French, Dutch or German with your new address and your municipality of residence in Finland. A separate document for each Belgian family member is required. We accept both digital certificates that can be requested through the DVV website or signed and stamped paper documents.
- If you live in Estonia:
- A recent (max 6 months old) certificate of residence stating your new address in Estonia. This could be any of the following documents in English, French, Dutch or German. A separate document for each Belgian family member is required. These documents are available in paper or electronic format (with electronic signature) and both of them have the same official value. To obtain the document, please contact your municipal administration ("linnavalitsus" / "vallavalitsus"), the Tallinn Vital Statistics Office ("Tallinna Perekonnaseisuamet") or a notary office.
- A. extract of place of residence data from the Estonian population register ("Elukohaandmete väljavõte Eesti rahvastikuregistrist")
- B. extract of Estonian population register ("Väljavõte Eesti rahvastikuregistrist").
- A recent (max 6 months old) certificate of residence stating your new address in Estonia. This could be any of the following documents in English, French, Dutch or German. A separate document for each Belgian family member is required. These documents are available in paper or electronic format (with electronic signature) and both of them have the same official value. To obtain the document, please contact your municipal administration ("linnavalitsus" / "vallavalitsus"), the Tallinn Vital Statistics Office ("Tallinna Perekonnaseisuamet") or a notary office.
Moving back to Belgium or to another country
When moving back to Belgium or to another country out of our jurisdiction, your de-registration from the embassy will happen automatically when you will register at your municipality or at a new embassy or consulate.